
 New Toy: Geometry!

March 6, 2025 • 3 min read

Build big ideas, one block at a time!

If you’ve been with us for a while, you may have noticed that we like to take inspiration from families’ feedback for new toys and updates. With that, we’ve been working on a new toy that is inspired by improving an old one, as well as doubling-down on other beloved elements!

The original Blocks toy was launched in Pok Pok’s first year. While some players enjoyed it, the feel of the physics could be frustrating at times and we’ve observed over the years that it just felt a bit lackluster compared to the rest of Pok Pok. Because of this, we recently removed it and you can think of this new toy as a cooler, improved version!

When it comes to honing-in on your favourite aspects of Pok Pok, we know so many little ones enjoy bringing ideas to life in toys like Drawing and Connect The Dots. Additionally, we’ve seen that some parents are curious about how we could Pok Pok-ify more academic concepts.  

Combining all of this, we are introducing a new Geometry toy into the mix! We wanted to offer a new creative space that could also develop early STEM skills like critical thinking, spatial awareness, and more.

In Geometry, kids can arrange, rotate, and combine colorful blocks to design playful patterns and imaginative scenes. From our playtesters to our team, everyone has been making compositions that are so unique from each other, the possibilities seem endless.

Not only is it fun to see what you can build, but the pieces feel satisfying to place and there are a ton of foundational skills being worked on.

How To Play

You can find the new Geometry toy through the old Blocks icon. Upon opening it, there will be a pre-made composition to get the creative juices flowing. Kids can choose to modify this, or simply clear the space to start fresh!

  • Before placing a block from the side bar, tap it to change the colour.
  • Once you drag it into position, tap it to rotate. Drag the piece to move it again if needed.
  • To clear the board, hold down on the “black hole” discard bin at the left side of the screen. You can also drag single pieces here. 
Watch the trailer here!

What Kids Will Learn

  • Early Math: Playing with these blocks introduces early math concepts like counting, sorting, symmetry, patterns and basic geometry. Experimenting with block orientation and placement also strengthens spatial reasoning and creative problem-solving. Children will start to form realizations such as, “2 triangles can make a square!” Or that certain shapes fit inside others. 
  • Thinking Ahead: Along with these early math skills, kids can begin to gain an awareness of the space and pieces they’ll need to make their visions come to life. After playing with the toy multiple times, it may take less experimentation and guesswork to know which configurations they need. 

    This thinking ahead is great exercise for memory and sequencing. Extending this further into life, it can even help with executive function (the ability to organize thoughts and plan actions). This is relevant for every part of their day whether it’s getting ready for school, making food, creating art, playing with others, and so on.
  • Imaginative Storytelling: Every arrangement of blocks tells a story, encouraging kids to express themselves in a safe space with no winning or losing. Just like they might play with wooden blocks on a floor, stories can be woven around their creations and evolve as the pieces do. It’s likely that due to the calm, minimal design of this toy, kids will feel there’s more space for communication like narrating their actions or storyline.
  • Fine Motor Skills: While screens cannot be a replacement for true fine motor practice, the precision needed to drag and arrange these blocks can help with this and hand-eye coordination! We’ve especially witnessed progress with little ones who start off in Pok Pok using their thumbs, but eventually work up the dexterity to use their pointer finger or engage multiple to move things at once. 

We are so excited to share another new toy with you and see what masterpieces your family whips up! Don’t forget to tag us at @playpokpok if you post any on social media.

P.S. You can use this link to prompt the update on your child’s device if the update has not happened automatically.  

We’ve been so inspired by the unique approach of each child who plays with our toys and can’t wait to hear what families like yours think of this one. Receiving your feedback, videos and ideas for new updates is so important for the growth of Pok Pok so please say hello at or on social media @playpokpok.