
New Toy: World Puzzle!

July 6, 2023 • 3 min read

Pok Pok’s newest toy gives kids the creative power to build vibrant new worlds and be the authors of their own narratives within them.

This is so important because one of the ways kids learn about our world is through imaginative or pretend play. In the app, this type of play happens with toys like Town, House, and Shops where there are endless opportunities to exercise critical thinking and storytelling!

New Toy Tips

Each session of World Puzzle starts anew bringing a wide collection of unique people, places, and things to explore. Once a tile is placed, a new corner of the world manifests before their eyes. Kids can also fulfill their vision with the ability to place urban structures as well as flora and fauna.

To get even more out of this toy, pay attention to what happens as each tile is placed. What is the relationship between any elements on the tiles and the elements of the area it gets placed? Do some combinations lead to more fruitful outcomes?

You can also tap the yellow circle at the left side of the screen to choose between 3 levels of zoom!

5 Pretend Play Benefits with World Puzzle

  1. Cause and Effect: Developing an understanding of cause and effect strengthens a child’s ability to make predictions and understand the world around them. For example, the line of thought might be, “last time I pressed this button, it gave me X result. I really want that same result now so maybe I should press that button again?” As they engage in this thinking during pretend play, they begin to grasp and memorize associations that serve as foundations to achieve desired outcomes.
  2. Storytelling: This type of play stimulates a child’s imagination and creativity, helping them learn to think abstractly, plan scenarios, and create stories. With so many interesting elements bringing life to World Puzzle, they’ll have tons of inspiration to craft a tale!
  3. Communication: Whether it’s through telling stories or simply describing what is happening in that moment, pretend play encourages children to communicate. They use language to convey their ideas, navigate rules, learn new vocabulary, and gain confidence in their ability to communicate overall.
  4. Social and Emotional Skills: Children often begin to understand social roles and relationships through practicing it in play. Pretending provides a low-stakes opportunity for them to explore different emotions and understand the perspectives outside of their own. If they are playing with others, they may also learn to cooperate, take turns, and resolve conflicts.
  5. Problem-Solving and Adaptability: In play, children have a safe space to encounter challenges and find solutions. They learn to adapt to different scenarios and overcome obstacles using their imagination. In World Puzzle, a child might fabricate a narrative that includes a problem to solve, or they may have to adapt to the structural limits of the toy and either create an alternative, or simply accept the boundary which strengthens resiliency.

World Puzzle is available now in the latest update of Pok Pok!

We’ve been so inspired by the unique approach of each child who plays with our toys and can’t wait to hear what families like yours think of this one. Receiving your feedback, videos and ideas for new updates is so important for the growth of Pok Pok so please say hello at or on social media @playpokpok.

Join our community to get insights from our educators and take a peek behind the scenes into our toy design process over on our Instagram and TikTok.