How to celebrate Earth Day with your toddler
It’s not ourselves that we’re preserving this planet for — it’s for our kids! Earth Day is a great day to invite your kids to learn about how to help care for our world. We’ve added lots of brand new content to Pok Pok Playroom in honour of Earth Day in the hopes that it sparks more imagination, conversation and learning about our planet.
What is Earth Day?
Earth Day is an annual global event celebrated every year on April 22 to support environmental protection. While taking care of our planet should be something we all do every day, Earth Day is a special reminder of how important environmental conservation is to all of us, especially for our kids — our future generations. Did you know that the first Earth Day was held over 50 years ago on April 22, 1970, and now includes a wide range of globally coordinated events, led by the Earth Day Organization?
What’s new in Pok Pok for Earth Day
We’ve already taken big steps when designing our Town to make it eco-friendly by including turbines, solar panels, bikes and bike lanes, public transportation, electric cars, and trees as far as the eye can see!
We’re hoping that by designing a town with the environment in mind, we’re dong our small part in normalizing these additions to our cities and villages and can help make way for a greener future.
For Earth Day, we’re taking it even further: we’re hosting an Earth Day Festival in Town!
There are lots of new areas to discover for kids, all of which pose a great opportunity to spark conversations with grown-ups about the environment, conservation and how we can take care of Mother Earth. Kids will learn all about urban gardening, beekeeping, recycling, composting and more!

Visit the Centre Stage to put on an Earth Day with brand new themed costumes, or check out our urban apiary to learn all about how bees support our ecosystem. Pop over to the urban garden to harvest produce and learn about food sourcing and snack on something fresh and delicious!
We know kids already love our recycling and garbage systems in the Town, and now they can try their hands at composting, too!
This will be the first of many of these special Pok Pok updates that centre around an important global event. These updates are designed to spark ideas, start conversations and ignite questions about important world events and themes. Earth Day is a limited-edition update that will only run for a couple of weeks before being integrated with the rest of the Event Space themes in our Town.

How to celebrate at home with your kids
It’s not ourselves that we’re preserving this planet for — it’s for our kids! Earth Day is a great day to invite your kids to learn about how to help care for our world.
Go Outside
Wether you’re going to the beach, a forest trail or even simply to the park by your home, take a moment to appreciate your surroundings together. Talk about the air we’re breathing and how the trees help clean our air. Notice a butterfly or the song of a bird. Enjoy the first sun rays or the last snow storm. You can even make good use of your time outside by grabbing a pair of gloves and a trash bag, and help make your neighbourhood a little bit cleaner.
Earth Day is a great opportunity to invite your kids to help you with recycling. Talk to them about the different ways you can recycle — glass, paper, plastic, food scraps, etc. It’s almost like a little puzzle to solve each day!
Plant Seedlings
How about starting a little seed jar? Simply add a couple of cotton pads to a jar, add seeds (for example watercress or flowers), water thoroughly and make sure they get enough sunlight. You’ll start to see them grow quite quickly! The flowers make for a wonderful decoration to the kitchen table, and watercress can be cut off after a few days and eaten. Put it on a piece of buttered toast with a sprinkle of lemon and enjoy your home-grown lunch!
You can take it one step further if you have a garden, or even simply a window sill with enough room for a planter. Invite your kids to plant a small flower garden together with you. Springtime is a great opportunity to talk about how bees help pollinate the plants and make flowers grow. You don’t need a full blown tropical flower paradise; stick to local, simple wildflowers — your local bee species thinks they taste the best! Things that we might even consider weeds like dandelions, nettles or clover flowers are delicious for our fuzzy pollinators. A great excuse to sit back and not mow your lawn this month!
We’re always so inspired by the way kids interact with Pok Pok and continue to play, learn and grow, and we can’t wait to hear what families like yours think of our little update! We’d love to receive your feedback, see your play videos and hear your ideas — share your thoughts and say hello at or on social media @playpokpok.
The Earth Day Town Event is available now in the latest update of Pok Pok Playroom!
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